1 John 1:1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.

The Montessori sensorial experience of learning reaches profound depths when it is extended to learning the word of God. Hands on Bible materials are a gateway to an amazing transformation where the word of God becomes tangible.
As part of the ministry of the International Christian Montessori Institute we provide access to some of the most beautiful materials to facilitate this transformation.

We would like to introduce you to the carpenter, craftsman, and an artist who produces these tiny works of art.
Jesus Antonio Henriquez Carpio has been associated with ICMI for eleven years in El Salvador. And for the last three years has worked full time at the training center as the facility manager. Antonio is a man of many talents that are used in all aspects of the ministry. His artistry and care for detail make each Bible lesson a mini masterpiece as they are crafted with prayer and patience.
Hands on Bible lessons are a unique way for you to share the word of God with your children.

There is nothing wrong with your audio, the video has large pauses.

Good Shepherd

Jesus and the Children

Jesus calms the Sea


Moses and the Red Sea


Advent - Road to Bethlehem

The prophet

Mary and Joseph


Wise Men

What People Are Saying:

Shriee Srinivas
AMI Primary Associate Trainer, Orion Montessori School
"International Christian Montessori Institute (ICMI) is a Christ-centered Montessori organization that strives to educate adult learners by focusing on Christ as the center of the Montessori philosophy. On many occasions, Dr. Montessori has said to her biographers, for instance, Mother Superior during her time at the Handmaids of Sacred Hearts and even to Cardinal Pompeii that this work was given to her by God.