A Pearl of Great Price

 The book shares the Biblical foundation for Christian Montessori education. A must read for every teacher, director, pastor, parent and anyone interested in the Truth of Christian Montessori.

A Pearl of a Great Price
Getting your Money's Worth

The book explains to parents the lifetime benefit of a Montessori education. Great insights to help you share with parents.

Getting your Money's Worth
Common Sense Parenting

A parenting book, written from both a Montessori and a Christian perspective. We started with 60 topics - finished with 161. An encyclopedia of parenting as well as a plan for effective nurturing and guidance.

Common Sense Parenting

What People Are Saying:

Shriee Srinivas

 AMI Primary Associate Trainer, Orion Montessori School

"International Christian Montessori Institute (ICMI) is a Christ-centered Montessori organization that strives to educate adult learners by focusing on Christ as the center of the Montessori philosophy. On many occasions, Dr. Montessori has said to her biographers, for instance, Mother Superior during her time at the Handmaids of Sacred Hearts and even to Cardinal Pompeii that this work was given to her by God. 

Personally, having found ICMI has been a blessing to discuss Montessori philosophy with a community of people who are centered on Christ and the Montessori pedagogy. ICMI advocates in the Christian faith for children, educators and adult learners, and most importantly, work for God’s kingdom and purpose while championing the cause of the child. In doing so, preparing adults, as Dr. Montessori intended, in the Christian faith and moving forward to serve the children of the world, in what is most significant-an intensified education rooted in intensified faith in God. Thank you, ICMI, for building such a community as the way forward for the world and its future."